Friday, 17 September 2010


For the music video we have planned a few loactions to film at, we are going to use the stage at college and get the technitions to do the lights and put down the star curtain for us to use and make the dance routine look really good. The stage will be used just to shoot the dance as its a big space and we want a drak space with dramatic lights and this is the perfect place to acheive that.
For the rest of the video we will be filming agaist the black and white photography backdrops, these will be used to film the individual verses sung by each memeber of the band.
The props will be very minimal as we dont have a budget and we want a simple and clean look to the video. The lighting will be dark and sramatic in the stage set but we will use a simple photography light for the backdrop filming sections. Costume is going to be all black for the stage set and then for the individual sections we are all going to have bright colours on as this is actually what the saturdays do alot in their videos! For our make up we will have dark smokey eyes and big party make up for the dance routine section and for our individual shots we will have colourful eyes and tanned skin!

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