Friday, 16 July 2010


We had a small task where we split into small groups of 2, 3 and 4 and we had to experiment with filming techniques and representing the word 'suspicion' in around 5 minutes of film!
Me, Jenny and Rhian all worked together and we did a few shots of me walking along and looking behind me and feeling like I'm being watched we switched the perspective of the camera throughout so some of the time it was from rhian's (the followers) perspective and this gave the audience the chance to see my reaction and what rhian was seeing whilst following me. the camera was also show from my (the victims) perspective and this gave the audience a chance to see my reaction and actions in conclusion to rhian following me. we also had jenny filming both of us at the same time and so the audience could see us both at the same time and see what we where both doing.
We also had to in camera edit and this meant that we had to try and take everything in one take and if we did something wrong we would have to rewind the footage to rught point a record again! I found this quite challenging but the end porduct was pretty good! We did however have some little mistakes which wernt that noticable and I think that we did really well as it was our first time editiong whist filming!!

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